Friday, September 9 at Icebox Project Space

  • You shouldn't be doing what your doing on that Ladder


    "You shouldn't be doing what your doing on that Ladder" deputed in February 2020 and now returns to tackle the instability of mental health in 2022. Using three different sized ladders, a solo clown performer, Peter Nicholls, strings together success and failure in his pursuit to reach greater heights of well being and ladder steps. Hilarity and terror ensue as the ladders humiliate, confuse, crush and even lick our troubled clown. Filled with spectacle, laughs, tears and fears, Peter attempts to perform the greatest ladder trick ever seen but must first accomplish a more impossible feat: finding the desire to get out of bed in the morning.

  • Awoke: The Musical


    This Justice System is is care-less and biased! Courtrooms are overcrowded with stories of mis-represented and misunderstood cases. It's one big circus the way this administration juggles the lives of the poor and underserved.

    Awoke the Musical brings attention to how mass incarceration has become a business and the pipeline from public schools to prisons.

  • I Hear You and I'd Like to Respond


    In I Hear You and I'd Like to Respond, artists and audiences alike board a metaphysical flight, traveling together to a visionary place of collective imagining. A Professor and a Facilitator -both on the precipice of revelation - attempt, in their own ways, to explain the world around them, only to realize what they are trying to communicate is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. But as the bodies of the passengers are thrown into acrobatic flight, a certain truth is revealed: either we will put aside our differences and save each other, or we will fall.

  • Spruce Street


    SPRUCE STREET is an exploration of longing, grief, nostalgia, and consequently, love, but it also serves as a warning: that being human comes with spiritual and emotional costs. Created and performed by Allison Kelly, SPRUCE STREET is a convergence of media and memory; a ghost story told intimately between performer and snapshots of a forgotten life.

Friday, September 9 at the Maas Building Cottage

  • The Squid and the Octopus


    The Squid and The Octopus, created and performed by Jim Julien, is a very intimate cephalopod adventure, a shadow puppet show (with knives!) This show uses a variety of puppetry styles and multimedia to weave a tale of multi-tentacled danger, contemporary restaurant culture and undersea lifestyles. The Squid and The Octopus will delight, amaze and amuse with puppetry spectacle. Before you order the calamari for the whole table, see this show!

  • The Squid and the Octopus


    The Squid and The Octopus, created and performed by Jim Julien, is a very intimate cephalopod adventure, a shadow puppet show (with knives!) This show uses a variety of puppetry styles and multimedia to weave a tale of multi-tentacled danger, contemporary restaurant culture and undersea lifestyles. The Squid and The Octopus will delight, amaze and amuse with puppetry spectacle. Before you order the calamari for the whole table, see this show!

Friday, September 9 at The Maas Building Garden

  • Green Card Project.


    ...the applicant was becoming a well adjusted performer as they had to tell several stories to the audience of one (the officer), and also make sure that they are assuming the right personality for their "character".

    ...the applicant was never a good actor, or a theater enthusiast to begin with. They in fact would suffer from stage fright every time they were tasked with something as minimal as announcing a short statement to a group of people... But this, this was giving them quite a thrill.

  • Fair Trade


    Is Trust given freely, or earned over time? Is Fairness judged on a geological timescale or in the span of a second? How much can you get in exchange that birthday present you got from your least favorite aunt? Fair Trade is the first in a series of experiments from critically acclaimed Interactive Experience Makers Jessica Creane (Know Thyself, Chaos Theory, Schrödinger's Cat) and Yannick Trapman-O'Brien (The Telelibrary, Undersigned), designed to invite participants to lean into these questions and discover what exactly we give and take when things change hands.In this thought experiment turned philosophical swap-meet, you'll bring 3 possible offerings to negotiate a trade with a stranger.

  • Fair Trade


    Is Trust given freely, or earned over time? Is Fairness judged on a geological timescale or in the span of a second? How much can you get in exchange that birthday present you got from your least favorite aunt? Fair Trade is the first in a series of experiments from critically acclaimed Interactive Experience Makers Jessica Creane (Know Thyself, Chaos Theory, Schrödinger's Cat) and Yannick Trapman-O'Brien (The Telelibrary, Undersigned), designed to invite participants to lean into these questions and discover what exactly we give and take when things change hands.In this thought experiment turned philosophical swap-meet, you'll bring 3 possible offerings to negotiate a trade with a stranger.

  • Overboard Cabaret


    Located in the beautiful Maas Garden Bar, the OVERBOARD! Cabaret is Cannonball's FREE nightly offering of music, circus, comedy, storytelling, strange anthems to pirate lords and ecstatic participatory rituals that are sure to be the perfect end to your night at the Fringe.

    FRIDAY CIRCUS NIGHTS- We're teaming up with Secret Circus ( to present circus spectaculars.

Friday, September 9 at the Maas Building Studio

  • Surface Tension


    Surface Tension takes a beautiful and daring look at a queer friendship. At points ecstatic, dark, searching, and joyful, this intimate circus show celebrates vulnerable connection through sincere juggling.

    Utilizing acrobatics, weight-sharing, object manipulation, and dance, Surface Tension addresses the fear of loss, the power of trust, and the joy of vulnerability.

  • Heart Ripped Out Twice and So Can You


    During the pandemic, Linnea found out she had some tumors.

    That really sucked. When one major surgery failed, she had to have her chest sawed open and her brain radiated to get them out.

    That also very much sucked.

    And then she kinda almost died from an infection.

    Which, too, hella sucked. And then she had a real hard breakup. Really painful. Like 10 out of 10 pain. A whole lot of cumulative sucking.

    Ever wanted to know what it feels like to have your heart ripped out...twice?



    In this semi-autobiographical solo, McGonigle dances herself into a world inhabited by the ghosts of familial anecdotes. Considering the stories she has heard, but never embodied, she amalgamates herself into a cast of characters that occupy her immediate and extended family. Exploring these repetitions of past and present, she fuses together fragments of alternate histories that interrogate the notion of family, and considers how narrative gets passed from generation to generation.Utilizing illustrative texts, recorded interviews and rigorous dancing, BLAZE paints an intimate portrait of a family that existed before, during, and perhaps even after McGonigle.

  • Your Show


    The non-binary son of God tries to convince their dad to use their pronouns.

    Which God? They aren't sure. He was an absent father.

    Heads up: this show uses rock and roll music and power points to blow your mind.