by Megan Mazarick
Showing at Icebox Project Space
Showing at Icebox Project Space •
Built using imaginative improvisation practices and rhythmic text
vapors, blends crackpot futurism and contemporary dance.
1400 N American St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Thursday, Sep 1 @ 8:30 PM Friday, Sep 2 @ 7:00 PM
Appropriate for ages 15+
Saturday, Sep 3 @ 2:30 PM
Intended for ages 5-15
vapors is a science fiction dance theater piece about time travel. The dancers embody the past, present, and future while pausing and rewinding each other. Movement imagery comes from music box mechanics, cartoonish infomercials, the physics of freewill, and substances diffused in air.
Evening performances contain adult themes while the matinee of this work is specifically created for elementary aged kids (although adults are always welcome). The evening and matinee performances will be different.
The Kids Show Version is a FREE Saturday matinee performance at 2:30 pm. This community performance is geared towards elementary aged children (and their caretakers) and will include a short comedic lecture, dance performance, and moments for children to participate in the work. Attendees will get to see how the simple use of props, movement, and bodies create imagery while exploring what it feels like to be inside of a dance performance. As a choreographer and mother, this work was born out of a desire to create a dance performance my six year old and I would both enjoy. vapors is a show that gives space for kids to move around, be creative, and see the way devised dance theater is made. This is also a metaphysical and abstract work which invites adult audiences to think about the intersections of the past, present, and future.
This work has been supported by Georgian Court University Faculty Research Grant, Cardell Dance Studio, and Cannonball Festival 2022.
The Thursday 9/1 @ 8:30pm showing of this piece will include a Write-Back-Atcha by our partners at thINKingDANCE!
Post-show, a thINKingDANCE writer will guide audiences through a creative response to the show through writing. Audience writing may be featured on thINKingDANCE.net, where you can find reviews of Cannonball shows, Philadelphia Fringe shows, and more!
Choreographer: Megan Mazarick
Amazing Collaborators: Danielle Currica, Alonzo Magsino, Tyler Rivera, and Gianna Rutigliano
Scroll for more information about the artists!
About the Artist:
Megan Mazarick
I am Philadelphia-based choreographer and performer who makes dance theater. My work has been presented internationally (Singapore, Bulgaria, Egypt, Poland, Australia, Hungary, and Mexico) and throughout the USA (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Minneapolis, New York City, New Jersey, North Carolina, West Virginia, etc.). My choreography often centers around improvisation and text and I collage movement, voice, and narrative imagery in my work. I am also a movement enthusiast and forever student of dance (currently taking classes at UMA in center city). As a performer, I have worked with David Gordon, Susan Rethorst, Keith Thompson, Marianela Boan, Merian Soto, Anonymous Bodies, and members of Lower Left. I am also a science fiction nerd who spent her 80’s childhood watching Dr. Who reruns and reading Douglas Adams books until the pages fell apart. I am an Assistant Professor at Georgian Court University and have taught contemporary dance, improvisation, and composition classes at universities, festivals, and studios around the globe.
Wesbite: www.meganmazarick.com
Instagram: meganmazarick
Facebook: megan.mazarick