cooning into the metaverse one day at a time hopefully !!!
by Crackheadbarney
Showing at Icebox Project Space
Showing at Icebox Project Space •
Called "the greatest performance artist of our generation" by adoring fans
and "an enemy of Christianity" by Tucker Carlson
1400 N American St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Thursday, Sep 1 @ 10:00PM
Friday, Sep 2 @ 10:00PM
Saturday, Sep 3 @ 10:00PM
Appropriate for ages 18+
May include references to systems of oppression, gun violence, body horror, and/or other graphic language and content that may be triggering or shocking to some audience members.
“Crackhead Barney can be a coon! Sometimes! Or most of the time! Sometimes she can be annoying and loud and soft and very impatient and can’t tell a joke and gets mad at the little things! But wait I will have friends to help me clear out my intestines but there maybe a lot of shit that the audience can’t handle !!”
Risk-taking provacateur Crackhead Barney comes out of street and into the theatre for a three-night only stand in Philadelphia. Expect different guests every night in this talk show from hell -- no one will leave unscathed.
Scroll for more information about the artist!
About the Artist:
“I’m upset right now, I’m an alien from Mars, and I feel like I give you all you need to know about me from my performance art. That’s it, next question."
- Crackhead Barney
instagram: @crackheadbarneyandfriends
twitter: @CHBAF
tiktok: @crackheadbarneyndfriends